Several simple methods for rotifer culture

Rotifers can be easily cultured in indoor aquariums, off-steam steel tanks, and concrete tanks. Seawater used in small-scale cultures must be screened or sand-filtered to propagate single-celled algae in separate containers for rotifer feed, while using yeast as a secondary or substitute feed. The key to the simple culturing method of rotifers is to maintain a certain density in culture. Even if they are skilled in culturing techniques, the density is too large to fail easily. For rotifers of general size, the maximum culture density should not exceed 500 individuals/ml. There are generally two simple methods of cultivation:
(1) Inoculation method, primary culture: Several 0.5-3 ton tanks were used to inoculate and cultivate unicellular algae in advance. When breeding to a certain density, rotifers were first vaccinated in one of the pools. Inoculated rotifers are best bred and have many eggs. The density of unicellular algae and the density of inoculated rotifers can be adjusted based on experience. The density of unicellular algae is large and can be inoculated with multiple inoculums. For example, Chlorella vulgaris amounts to 10 million to 30 million cells/ml (flat algae is 3 to 1 million cells/ml. In milliliters, 20-50 individuals/ml were inoculated at a visual rotifer density. Less inoculum, longer incubation time, no other adverse effects, for a rotifer of 1 body/ml density, the appropriate density for Platycladiidae is 10,000-50,000 cells/ml, and diatoms are 50,000-500,000. Cell/ml. When the density of rotifers exceeded 100 individuals/ml, only 10% of the 10 million cells/ml of Chlorella could be eaten in 12 hours, and they could all be eaten in 24 hours. Therefore, after the rotifers reproduce, they must supplement the bait in time according to the bait consumption and rotifer density. During the cultivation, the water color becomes lighter, and the yeast should be replenished. The yeast should be divided into several inputs, so that the water quality is not contaminated. 100 rotifers in total, about 1-2 g per day; if the water temperature exceeds 25°C, 100 rotifers, 2-3 g/day for yeast, 2-3 feedings; water temperature below 15°C When feeding 0.5 grams a day, one shot is completed. If commercial fat yeast is used, wipe off the oil that has surfaced on the yeast surface, then place it in a mesh bag and hang it in a sink to allow it to dissolve naturally.
When the rotifer density reaches 100-200 individuals/ml, a portion of the barrel can be used to inoculate into another pool where the unicellular algae have been propagated. The rotifers in the original pool were screened with XX25 mesh sieves and all were harvested as bait for cultured fish and shrimps, and then single-celled algae were replanted in the pond for use. The next pond of rotifers was inoculated and cultured according to the previous method. The culture conditions such as cultivation time, inoculum size, and feed amount are all the same, and they are cultured in several pools of the same specifications. A production process takes about 3-7 days, and in principle it does not take place halfway. The pool capacity and the total number of pools used are determined by the number of rotifers required for nursery. This method of inoculation culture is simple, stable and reliable, but the waste used is greater.
(2) Intercropping method, continuous culture: In the process of continuous culture, some rotifers are harvested. Larger pools of 50 to 100 tons are used, and sometimes the tank is equipped with a filtration device that removes suspended solids from the pool. In order to cultivate a large number of unicellular algae, such as chlorella, prepare another 200 tons of unicellular algae culture tank and inoculate chlorella first in the rotifer culture tank to reach 10 million to 30 million cells/ml. Inoculate rotifers, inoculate The density is 10-20 individuals/ml. After 7-10 days, as the rotifers multiply, some rotifers can be harvested each day. The siphon method of harvesting is used to collect water together with seawater, and the amount of chlorella seawater is supplemented with the reduced amount of water. The rotifer's density is increased from 50 individuals/ml to 200 individuals/ml as the rotifer's density is reduced from previous work to the day. It is 2 times. In this way, if the rotifer's breeding water amount is 100 tons, half of the 50 tons of seawater can be harvested and the rotifers can be harvested. After replenishing Chlorella sp. in the pond, the density of the rotifer recovered to 50 individuals/ml. At this time, if the density of the rotifers increased, the chlorella was eaten only by feeding Chlorella, and the chlorella was soon eaten. The yeasts are timely cultivated, so that after repeated 10 to 20 days, the water quality gradually deteriorates, there are residual baits and algae deposits at the bottom of the pool, and the rotifer reproduction rate is reduced. At this time, the rotifers are all harvested, and the pool is re-cultivated. . If the pool contains a suspended material filter, the culture time can be extended by more than 1 month. In addition to collecting water, it is also possible to use nets to retrieve only rotifers in the pond.
The temperature of the culture water is too low and the rotifers breed slowly, requiring warming. The method of heating has a method of passing the heater directly in the pool, or a water bath method, and it is also reliable at room temperature.


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