How to prevent pepper mosaic disease

Pepper mosaic disease, also known as virus disease, is one of the main diseases of pepper, and the damage is very serious. Generally, it can reduce production by 30%, while weight loss can be 50% to 60%. There are three types of symptoms: mosaic type, cluster type, and stripe type. Prevention methods.
First, use resistant varieties

Early-maturing varieties are generally more disease-resistant or disease-resistant than late-maturing varieties. Disease resistant varieties include Guangjiao 1, Guangjiao 4, Xiangjiao 1, Xiangyan 1, Hongfeng 404 and so on.

Second, nurture strong seedlings

Seeds were collected from disease-free plants and soaked with 10% trisodium phosphate for 30 minutes prior to sowing for seed disinfection. Seedling cultivation in the pure land is suitable for early planting, and it is appropriate to plant the first tiller with buds. Strengthen field management and make seedlings grow robustly.

Third, cultivation measures

Deepen the land and apply the base fertilizer. Short ridges are used to cover the mulch. Pay attention to reasonable close planting, open cultivation of 12 to 14 per square meter, in order to cover the ground earlier, lower soil temperature. Remove roadside weeds in time to reduce the source of the virus.

IV. Avoiding and Curing

Silver-gray membranes are used to avoid maggots, and the locusts in the nursery beds and fields are sprayed in time to eliminate maggots on neighboring plants or other plants outside the field.

Fifth, chemical control

Spraying growth regulators before the onset of disease, such as 1% potassium persulfate or 1% potassium nitrate solution, will promote the healthy growth of the plant, increase its resistance to disease, and play a role in controlling the development of the disease. Locusts and greenhouse whitefly are the vectors of viral disease. It is beneficial to eliminate pests and reduce the disease. It can be sprayed with 25% pupa or rice bran WP 2000 times.

In addition, the spray-inducing agent NS-8350 twice times before and after the colonization had a certain disease-preventing effect.

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