Forced moulting of layer chickens considering economic factors

Because laying hens have a high egg production rate, and generally require complete moulting at the end of a long, high-yielding egg production period, it takes about four months before the old hens are able to defecate. , long new feathers. However, forced moulting allows the hen to moult quickly and grow new feathers and then stimulate their production. The entire artificial moulting process does not exceed 8 weeks. Therefore, forced moulting is often used in poultry production.
Some chicken farmers have already made mandatory moulting plans in advance. However, there are often economic reasons that make them suddenly decide to implement forced moulting on a group of chickens. For example, it is expected that the price of eggs will increase, or that the capital investment will be reduced due to falling egg prices. and many more. The following analysis of various factors affecting the cost and profit of the first and second egg production periods before and after compulsory moulting is performed to help the chicken farmer decide whether moulting should be forced or not.
1 The cost comparison of new hens and moulting hens The main purpose of implementing mandatory moulting is to reduce the cost of a hen after forced moulting and resumption of egg production. It is less than the cost of training a new parent. The cost of the chicken. The production cost of a mature new hen has been correctly calculated. The cost of egg production for moulting hens should include: (1) the market price of chickens during forced moulting; (2) feed consumption and labor costs starting from moulting until the flock reaches 5% (3) General management fees and other expenses during mojo. In general, the cost of breeding a medium-sized chicken to sexual maturity is 13 yuan, and the estimated cost for producing a commodity plume is 9.5 yuan.
2 Comparison of Egg Production The monthly egg production rate during the second egg production period is lower than the egg production rate during the corresponding month of the first egg production period. It can reach 95% of the first year's egg production at the peak of egg production, but it is at the production of eggs. It can be reduced to 85% after 6 months. On the day of hens, the total egg production rate during the second laying period is 90% of the first laying period, but the mortality rate during the second laying period is high, so if the number of hens is counted, only And 85% of the first egg production period.
3 Comparison of Egg Sizes Eggs produced during the second egg production period are larger than those produced during the first egg production period. Because the size of the egg is partly related to the weight of the hen, if the weight at the end of forced moulting is greater, then the egg is also expected to be larger, but such chickens also produce fewer eggs. The size of the eggs in the second laying period is, of course, also positively correlated with the size of the eggs in the first laying period. A practical way to compare egg sizes is to look at how much the eggs in the second flock of the same flock are increased. There are 71% of eggs in the entire first egg production period, which are large or extra large eggs, and the second egg production period should be at least 86% are big or extra large eggs. Large and extra large eggs are shipped on egg trays and are easily broken, but they are often expensive and easy to sell.
4 Chickens' weight and consumption of materials The weight of chickens after forced moulting will be greater than the weight at the end of the first production period and will continue to increase during the second production period. According to the nature of the chicken, it will maintain weight gain until it reaches its maximum physiological weight, which is about two years old. Medium-sized brown shell layers can increase body weight by 340 g during the second laying period. As the body weight is greater, the consumption of material is also increased. In the experiment, the first egg production period consumes 121 g/(day. only), and the second production period consumes 136 g/(day. only). The chickens eat much more during the second laying period than during the first laying period, and when the egg production is low, the ratio of eggs to eggs during the second laying period is greatly increased.
5 Comparison of Egg Quality The change in egg quality during the second egg production period is very inconsistent. Eggshell quality is better at the beginning of the second egg production period, but drops rapidly after 6 months of egg production. Hot weather can also accelerate the decline. In most cases, the eggshell quality becomes very poor after prolonged egg production, and generally the egg must be sold at a reduced price. The change in the internal quality of the egg is not as great as the change in the quality of the eggshell, and the drop in the internal quality of the egg is usually not a major economic issue.
6 Comparison of Mortality The mortality rate of chickens in the first laying period was 5.6%, and that of the second laying period was 6.1%.
Therefore, when the chicken farmer is considering whether to implement forced moulting, in addition to analyzing the market factors, the above factors should be weighed, and then make the right choices, in order to bring better economic benefits to the chicken farm.

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