Several periods of young panicle differentiation in rice

Rice young ears are divided into eight periods:

(1) Indica-differentiation period: When the ear of rice begins to differentiate, the first pod primordium appears at the growth point of the stem and is invisible to the naked eye, so it is said to be "invisible" for a period.

(2) Primordium differentiation of primary branches: When the primary primordium differentiation of primary branches is completed, white armpit hairs appear at the habitat of the cormorants, so the second phase is called “white hairs”.

(3) Young panicles are about 1.5 mm in length and are still covered by thick armpit hairs. They are called the three-stage "hair plexus."

(4) Young panicles grow to 4-10 mm, and the external appearance of young panicles is initially formed. The appearance of young panicles and spikelets can be seen with the naked eye, and the four phases are called “grain particles”.

(5) When the young panicle is about 4cm in length and the naked eye can see the glume shell, it is said that there are five phases of "grey shell".

(6) Spike grows to 10cm, spikelets also increase to half of the length of the grain, and is called "semi-long" in the sixth period.

(7) The growth of panicle length ceased and the color began to turn green.

(8) All of the panicle differentiation was completed and the panicle was about to be headed.