Technical management points for raising pregnant sows

After the sows are mated, they are bound from the egg to the birth of the baby. This process is called pregnancy. The sow's gestation period is generally 112 to 116 days with an average of 114 days. In feeding and management, generally divided into early pregnancy (20 days ago), mid-pregnancy (20 to 80 days) and late pregnancy (80 days). Grasp the gestation sow feeding and management technology, can guarantee the normal development of the fetus; ensure that sows have more calving and body condition; fetal protection against abortion; young sows or to ensure their own growth and development needs.

1 How to raise pregnant sows

1.1 Grasping the feeding method between the two heads This method is adopted in areas where the sows with poor post-weaning sows and poor concentrates have poor conditions. Grab two: One is to strengthen nutrition before and during the early pregnancy of the sow; the other is to grasp the nutrition during the later period of pregnancy to ensure the normal development of the fetus. Guzhong: In the middle of pregnancy, we can properly reduce the supply of concentrate feed and increase the quality of green feed.

1.2 Step-up breeding methods This method is suitable for sows that are bred during primal sows and during estrus. It is suitable for areas where there are sufficient supply of concentrates and large-scale production. In the gestation of the newly born sows, the nutrition in the later period must be higher than the previous period, and the peak in the first month before birth. For lactating maternal sows, not only should the feed supply be reduced during the late lactation period, but it should also be strengthened to ensure the need for a double burden on the sow.

1.3 Pre-coarse rearing method This method is suitable for mating sows with good precursors. In the early pregnancy can be appropriately reduced nutritional levels. In recent years, it has been widely practiced that sows should be fed with a standard dietary limit and adequate (unlimited) feeding during the gestation period.

2 Feeding volume of gestating sows The daily feeding volume of pregnant sows can be fed according to the standard when there are sow feeding standards. In the absence of feeding standards, it can be calculated as a percentage based on the weight of pregnant sows. In general, 1.5% 2.0% of the sow's body weight was given in the first trimester and 2.0% 2.3% of the sow's body weight was received in the later trimester. Pregnant sows fed green feed, it is best to pulp green feed. No pulping conditions must be chopped and then fed together with the concentrate. The ratio of fine material to coarse material can be reduced according to the pregnancy time of the sow. Feeds fed to pregnant sows should contain more dry matter and should not be fed too thin, not to dilute the soup.

3 Management of pregnant sows In addition to allowing sows to eat well and get a good night's sleep, exercise should be reduced during the first month and the first 10 days of delivery. At other times, activities should be performed twice a day for 1 to 2 hours. Keep the environment quiet and clean. Often close to the sow, brush the sow, do not chase, do not whip, do not squeeze, not scared, do not take a cold shower. Cold weather in winter, summer heatstroke, ventilation and dryness in pig houses.

4 Precautions Do not feed toxic cottonseed cakes, overly acidic silage, and lees. One gram of vitamin c was added to the diet one week before delivery. Note that pregnant sows should be supplemented with sufficient calcium and phosphorus. It is best to add 1%-2% bone meal or calcium hydrogen phosphate to the diet. Pig farms that raise sows are kept in separate rows before delivery, preventing them from competing for food or crawling to cause miscarriage.

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