The mistake of eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival

Moon cakes are generally baked from flour, sugar, oil and other ingredients with very high calories. The so-called "healthy sugar-free" moon cakes only refer to the absence of sucrose. The moon cake's sandwich kernels, outside the starch, etc. in the human body will eventually be converted into sugar, excessive intake, the same will cause excessive fat and blood sugar levels. Therefore, patients with sugar-free moon cakes should also eat moderate amounts. In addition, experts pointed out that cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease patients can not eat more moon cakes, even sugar-free moon cakes, which peanuts, nuts too much consumption will increase the sandwich Blood consistency increases the burden on the heart and even induces myocardial infarction.


One of the unhealthy ways to eat: Mooncakes are delicious, eat a few more a day

People who love moon cakes, especially young ones, like to eat moon cakes with egg yolk and fruit fillings. They use moon cakes as food for dinner and eat several meals a day. Experts point out that one month should not eat more than one moon cake, and even if you love to eat moon cakes, moon cakes should not be used instead of dinner, because a moon cake's sugar and total fat content is much higher than white rice. A person's daily sugar intake should not exceed 10 teaspoons, a moon cake sugar up to 14 teaspoons, a day to eat a moon cake exceeds the day's sugar needed by the human body. In addition, the total body fat intake should not exceed 13 teaspoons a day, and the total fat content of a moon cake is as high as 6 teaspoons.

Experts suggest that eating moon cakes should not be excessive. It is best not to eat alone on one person. Cut a moon cake into small pieces and share it with relatives and friends so as not to consume excessive fat and sugar. Do not use mooncake instead of fruit as a dessert, because mooncakes usually have too little fiber to replace fruit.

Unhealthy eating method: moon cake is a good breakfast!

There are also some friends who like to store some moon cakes and are used to eating it as breakfast. Experts pointed out that in fact, this habit is extremely inconsistent with the principle of nutritional balance. Three meals a day, according to the principle of balanced nutrition reasonable eating, food distribution is generally 30% for breakfast, lunch for 40%, dinner for 30%. If you only eat moon cakes for breakfast, the human body's intake of fat and sugar is too high, but the protein needed for the entire day is not enough, and it will cause changes in the body's nutritional status over time. Moon cakes cannot be used as a staple food, and it is better to eat a kind of snack and catering.

Unhealthy Eating Method 3: Sugar-free moon cakes, rest assured to eat more boldly ~

"Healthy sugar-free" moon cakes, referring only to sugar-free. According to the "Mooncake Consumption Guidebook", sugarless moon cakes sold on the market contain polysaccharides because they contain starch. The vegetarian moon cakes, including fruit and vegetable stuffing, can contain any starch, and these carbohydrates can be converted to glucose, which can lead to elevated blood sugar.

For obese people, if they eat moon cakes on that day, they should reduce the intake of rice and oil in order to balance their daily diet. Because most of the moon cakes are high in calories, the heat of a bowl of rice is about 270 calories, and a 4 or so Cantonese-style moon cake has about 500 calories. For obese people who have potential problems with sugar and lipid metabolism and arteriosclerosis, it is advisable to eat mooncakes like diabetics.

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